Advertise With Us is dedicated to providing a source of information for all things lacrosse in the great state of Florida.
- We cover boys and girls high school lacrosse.
- We cover the college recruiting scene like nobody else out there.
- We feature coverage and stories from Florida’s men’s and women’s collegiate lacrosse.
- We have pages dedicated to youth, travel, and showcase club teams from around the state.
- We feature guest bloggers from all levels of the sport here in Florida.
Who are our readers?
According to US Lacrosse, the sport’s national governing body, lacrosse players tend to come from more educated households than the general population, with 85% of adults involved in the sport as either players or parents having graduated from a four-year college. They also tend to be wealthier. Less than 10% of lacrosse players come from households with incomes of less than $50,000, and nearly 75% of all lacrosse-playing families value their primary residence at $200,000 or more. (Just look around the next lacrosse event to see who we’re attracting).
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