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Creekside’s Julia Duff Commits to JU!

Written by Lee Roggenburg on . Posted in , , .
Creekside’s 2018 defender, Julia Duff, has decided to play for the home town team and has committed to Jacksonville University.  Julia plays club lacrosse for LaxManiax. Julia is one of five players of the LaxManiax class of 2018 to make an NCAA commitment. “I would like to thank my parents for helping me get to where I am. Without them, I wouldn’t have been able to get to all the tournaments and practices and I couldn’t have reached my goals without them. I would also like to thank Coach Ellyn Spangenberg and Coach Don Balch for their guidance and lessons I have learned over the years. Thank you 2018 Team Gooey for being my family and always having my back. The girls have always pushed me to be the lacrosse player and person I am proud to be.” If you have made a college commitment please click on this link – and let us know so we can share the great news.