Fletcher 2019 Megan Davis Commits to Limestone!
Written by Lee Roggenburg on . Posted in Featured Posts, Florida Lacrosse News, Girls Recruiting, Recruiting.
Congratulations to Megan on her college choice and good luck in the future!
Megan Davis
High School
Fletcher High Schoo
Graduation Year
College Choice
Limestone College
Club Affiliations
Duval Lacrosse
Why did you choose this college?
Limestone was the perfect fit. I was looking for a small school not too far from home. When I started to research Limestone, I found they are ranked number 2 in services provided to students with dyslexia. As an intended Education major, the fact that they understand the learning difference made the decision easy for me. The women’s lacrosse program at Limestone is strong. I have enjoyed the camps and play days and love they way they give back to the sport and the community.
What are your first memories of the sport?
My first memory I have of lacrosse was when my older sister came home from high school and said that she was signing up for the team. My younger sister and I were curious what the sport was about. My parents bought my sister a nice stick and my younger sister and I little beach sticks. Soon we were passing the ball across the street while riding our skateboards. Throughout the years I have had great coaches – Billy Weakland with Swerve, Katie Carroll – 2 years head coach at Fletcher, Lauryn Ochs – First Team Lacrosse and Kara Koolage with Duval Lacrosse and Fletcher Head Coach.
What part of the process was most surprising to you about the recruiting process and what would you like to pass on to those who are going to face it in the future?
The most surprising thing to me about the recruiting process is that you don’t have to be in a big club to be recruited. If you have a passion to play and continue to get good grades, there will be a school for you. The most important part of finding a school is finding one that fits you academically and then athletically.
Who would you like to thank for helping you get here?
I would like to thank Billy Weakland for making the game fun. He taught me the basic skills of the game and kept practices and games fun. He was kind and coached by example, he encouraged us. I would like to thank Katie Carroll for believing in me. She became my first high school coach. She is the one that told me I was good enough to play in college and helped me start the process. I would like to thank Lauryn Ochs who created a summer/fall league at the most crucial time for me and placed me in situations to be recognized. And finally Kara Koolage for continuing to support me, coach me and teach me things I will be able to bring to our team and be better in college.