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Bernhardt Lacrosse Announces Dates for 2014 Preseason Camp for High School and Youth Players!

Written by Lee Roggenburg on . Posted in .
The Bernhardt family has run an annual camp each Summer and Winter for the past 6 years in the Lake Brantley area. Jake and Jesse Bernhardt both played at the University of Maryland after graduating from Lake Brantley HS, where they experienced two National Championship appearances and won an ACC title. They continue to bring the best coaching staff available to the area from the most competitive D1,2, & 3 colleges around the country and current MLL/LXM Pro players.
Coaching Staff:
Jake Bernhardt- Head Coach @ Windermere Prep- currently plays for the Ohio Machine (MLL)
Jesse Bernhardt- Assist. Coach @ Windermere Prep- currently plays for the Chesapeake Bayhawks, who won  the MLL Championship in 2013 as a rookie
John Haus- Assist. Coach @ Dickinson College- graduate of U. Maryland & plays for the Charlotte Hounds  (MLL)
…with more staff to come!
The High School camp will be a high level training camp where the players will learn the intricacies of what it’s like to be apart of a college level program. The camp will be high tempo with a lot of teaching, demos, terminology, shooting, team defense/offense, goalie play, etc.
The Youth camp is for any level of player 4-8th grade who is new or has been playing for awhile and would like to learn the game of lacrosse. The camps main focus is starting from the ground up and establish correct fundamentals/basics. The players will experience fundamentals, a lot of stick work drills, odd man situations, defensive positioning, goalie play, etc.
Boys: HS (9-12) & Youth (4-8)
Dates: Jaunary 3, 2014
Time: HS (9am-12pm) & Youth (1pm-4pm)
Where: Forest City Elementary (across from Lake Brantley HS)
Cost: $85