Breaking: Lax Sports Network to Broadcast 4 Florida HS Games in February!
Written by Lee Roggenburg on . Posted in Uncategorized.
FLN has learned that the rumors are true!
The Lax Sports Network, a monthly subscription online network dedicated to all things lacrosse (this author is a subscriber and is quite happy with the purchase!), has announced that they will broadcast FOUR Florida high school games in February as part of their expansion into live broadcasting of games. Those interested to watch these games can subscribe to the channel for $7.95 per month.
The announced schedule is as follows:
2/10 St. Thomas Aquinas @ Oxbridge 6:00 pm
2/13 IMG @ Oxbridge time 5:00pm
2/17 Lake Highland Prep @ St. Thomas Aquinas 7:00pm
2/23 Stoneman Douglas @ St. Thomas Aquinas 7:00pm
The announcers for the broadcasts will be Ari Shanok and Casey Cittadino and the production will be by LSN utilizing Digital Wave Productions.
We are excited to bring you this great news for our area and hopefully this will lead to further games next season at least!