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First Academy Senior, Zach Oliver, Commits to Colorado Mesa University

Written by Lee Roggenburg on . Posted in .
Zach Oliver, a senior attack man at The First Academy (Orlando) has committed to Colorado Mesa University.  CMU plays NCAA Division II in the Western Intercollegiate Lacrosse Association.  Coloradao Mesa will be doing a Florida swing the spring during the week of March 23rd playing Rollins, Tampa, FSC, and Lynn. Zach intends to major in computer science. He  thanks his coaches, “David Oliver (my dad) for supporting me all the years I’ve played and motivated me to get better. Coaches (Danny) Hogan and (Gary) Robinson for being my club coaches and teaching me how to become an even better player.  Coach Wardlow for getting me involved in FCA and helping me get exposure. Coach Stevens (CMU head coach) for giving me a chance to play with him. I would like to thank all of my Hornet friends and Royals friends I’ve played with over the years. Really excited on starting a new chapter in my lacrosse career”