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Florida Lacrosse Alliance Represents Big Shift In College Showcase Travel Clubs

Written by Lee Roggenburg on . Posted in .
F.L.A. Some of the state’s most recognizable clubs have joined together to create the Florida Lacrosse Alliance.  The Alliance covers Tampa, Orlando, and the Jacksonville areas. The organization aims to provide a comprehensive national recruiting and development program and will begin a nomination program in September for play in the summer of 2017. The Alliance includes First Coast LC, the PV Possums, North Meets South Lacrosse, The Landsharks, LCO, Braveheart, 37 Lacrosse-Tampa, Bay Area Sandsharks, Apprentice Athletics, Monsters Lacrosse, West Florida Lacrosse Club, and Echelon Lacrosse along with others expected to join. This Alliance is an out of state travel group that combines the coaches and talent of three major areas and represents a large shift in the recruiting showcase process in the state of Florida. Twenty five players are to be selected for each class from 2017 through 2022 through a nomination process that will run from September to October with invitations sent out in November.  A training camp is scheduled at the Omni Champions Gate from December 16-18 followed by a three day summer camp at Episcopal Jacksonville prior to the travel week. The summer travel week is to include one flight and two major recruiting tournaments over the course of seven days. The Alliance is supported by a Head Recruiting Coordinator, in charge of the recruiting process for each Alliance player, along with an Assistant Recruiting Coordinator who is in charge of all logistics and processing for each Alliance player.  There are also Specialty coaches for Face Offs and Goalies who work with all Alliance teams, a General Manager and management staff who are in charge of all planning, communications, family preparations, coaching management, and all related logistics.  Each team has two dedicated coaches. More information and future updates are available at  Players interested in nominations can contact the following; Tampa- Chris Burdick: Tampa – Todd Francis: Orlando – Danny Hogan: Jacksonville: Glen Carter:   Club directors interested in joining the Alliance can contact General Manager – Gary Robinson: