Florida Laxers Launch Blue Balls Lacrosse
Written by Lee Roggenburg on . Posted in Uncategorized.
As the game of lacrosse continues to expand, so does the business around it. There are more opportunities than ever to grow the game and make a profit while doing so. Blue Balls Lacrosse, an interesting new company based out of South Florida, has used this momentum to grow from a one-man shop to eight employees in just a matter of months.
Blue Balls Lacrosse has taken a simple idea and turned it into a company with serious potential. They aim to provide lacrosse balls which can be customized with team logos, much like how college football teams have their logos on their footballs. “Lacrosse balls are underutilized and overpriced,” says Peter Schofield, Blue Balls’ head of sales. Blue Balls Lacrosse is the first company to bring to market the option for custom lacrosse balls at affordable prices.
The company’s unique product has led to a lot of early success. Teams around the country have already placed custom orders. To meet growing demand, the company invested in upgrading its custom ball production infrastructure and moving locations to sunny South Florida. The company plans to keep expanding and innovating. “Our goal is to grow the game by making lacrosse more personalized and affordable for everyone.” ~ Daniel Soviero, CEO. The company atmosphere is centered around a belief in giving back to the game. Blue Balls Lacrosse has recently opened a sports marketing division with which they intend to do just that. They will be hosting youth camps in the South Florida area starting this summer.
Blue Balls prides itself on its blue-collar mentality, hence the name. When asked about it, Daniel explained further:
“When it comes down to it, we’re just a bunch of college entrepreneurs. What we lack in experience we make up for in hard work. Our entire staff is comprised of collegiate lacrosse players. These are guys who are already taking a full academic schedule and playing a varsity sport. I have to give them a lot of credit for how hard they’re working to propel this company forward.”
And successful they have been. Through Blue Balls first year of operation, they have already sold over ten thousand balls to programs ranging from D1 teams, such as Marquette University, to summer camps, such as 207 Lacrosse. They are even donating multiple cases of balls to the non profit lacrosse-related events. According to Daniel, they will be providing custom balls to more than 20 different teams and programs starting in the spring of 2016 and plan to expand exponentially by the spring 2017 season.
For a few college lacrosse players it is tough not to be impressed by their work ethic and what it has led to. For more information on Blue Balls Lacrosse and to stay updated with what they are doing, check out their website BlueBallsLacrosse.com and follow them on instagram (@blueballslacrosse) and twitter (@BlueBallsLacros). Also check out their Movember page where they will be growing out their facial hair to raise money for families affected by cancer, a foundation very close to the hearts of the entire lacrosse community (https://us.movember.com/team/2184297).
FLN looks forward to working and growing with these and other young businessmen!