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Jensen Beach’s Chris Cariello Commits to Florida Southern

Written by Lee Roggenburg on . Posted in .
Jensen Beach’s senior middie, Chris Cariello, has committted to Florida Southern.  Chris players club lacrosse for Stampede and Palm Beach Revolution. “First, I want to thank my family; The ones that stood by me through thick and thin, helped me off my knees when I was feeling beat and bruised, and supported me no matter what the cost. I cannot thank you enough for all you did for me. I love you, Mom, Dad, Frank, Dana, and Rick.” “Secondly, I would to thank my coaches. From Chris Walls, bringing me up from my first year of lacrosse, from the countless hours he has helped me, and for staying patient with my hyperactive Goofballness. All the way up to my high school coach, Matt Sofarelli, molding my lacrosse skills and IQ to the best of his ability. I Thank you both for what you did. Its been a long enduring journey of countless pratices, countless tournaments, and countless blood, sweat, and tears shed over my lacrosse career. Now Im thankful to have the opportunity to have some more countless memories at Florida Southern. Thank you for this gift, Coach Marty Ward. Go Mocs!”