New York Times Reports Colleges Addressing Early Recruiting
Written by Lee Roggenburg on . Posted in Uncategorized.
Every person involved in lacrosse (and other sports) is familiar with the recent trend of younger and younger players being recruited to some of the very best schools in the country. To say this places pressure on all involved is an understatement. Children who have yet to grow into their adult bodies are forced to compete with those who already have. Families just entering the phase of finding a child’s passion might discover they are a year or two behind schedule. Young players who show promise are often placed in colleges which are not great fits. While there are many success stories, there are situations where players enroll in one school, spend a ton of money and transfer to another, often having to take additional courses at additional expense in order to graduate. Certainly, the system can be improved, and the article in the New York Times gives us all hope some changes may be on the way.
Click on the link below to read the article.