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Olympia to Host Pink and White Game on Monday! Will Face Timber Creek

Written by Lee Roggenburg on . Posted in .
A Great Match Up for A Great Cause The Timer Creek Boys Lacrosse Team has partnered with Olympia High School for the 2nd annual Pink and White game which will be played on Monday at Olympia’s High School at 6:30pm.  All proceeds will benefit the (WPFT), Women Playing for T.I.M.E. (Technology, Immediate Diagnosis, Mammography, and Education) as it continues its fundraising efforts for MD Anderson Cancer Center in the ongoing battle for life.  WPFT has raised nearly $8.6 million through other events such as golf and tennis tournaments, with all funds directly benefiting cancer programs at MD Anderson Canter a part of Orlando Health. The teams take the battle to the field wearing pink and white jerseys, and the evening will include a walk for survival.  In honor of all those brave women who have battled this horrific disease, designated players will escort survivors onto the field in a walk in honor of all survivors.   Others will carry signs honoring those who could not attend.  If you are a survivor, please join us because we’d like to honor you as well. “Lax Bros Fightin’ 4 a Cure”,  is a volunteer organization created by three Olympia High School students with a mutual connection — each has dealt with the reality of a relative being diagnosed with cancer, stepped up to initiate the Pink and White last year.  Last year’s event raised $15,000. If you would like to donate to this cause please click on this link to be taken to the donation page.