Park Vista Defender, Olivia Rossnan, Signs With JU
Written by Lee Roggenburg on . Posted in Uncategorized.
Olivia Rossnan, a 2014 defender at Park Vista Community High School, has signed her letter of intent to playing D1 lacrosse in Florida at Jacksonville University. Olivia has had the honor of being coached by Sarah Burlingame “Gooey” with the LaxManiax club team for the last three years. Gooey has played an immense role in helping Olivia develop her lacrosse IQ on and off the field. During season, Olivia plays for Coach Brannon and has played for Coach Vanalstyne and Coach Weiss while at PVHS. Olivia is currently enrolled in the Medical/Health Related Sciences Academy at PVHS and plans on attending the School of Nursing at JU. Olivia has participated in Student Government while at PVHS and is currently the SGA Vice President. Olivia would like to thank Coaches Mindy and Paul McCord for giving her such a wonderful opportunity. She is excited about joining the JU Family and can’t wait to begin her collegiate lacrosse career.