Tampa’s Coach Whipple to Donate 100% of Jamboree Proceeds to Help John Michael Night
Written by Lee Roggenburg on . Posted in Uncategorized.
As teams prepare for the annual Pre-Season Jamboree at the University of Tampa, John Michael Night prepares for his move to the Shepherd Center in Atlanta for his extensive re-hab.
A few weeks ago John Michael suffered a dissected artery in his Basal Artery which caused a stroke. According to updates provided by the family at http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/johnmichaelnight/journal, “The stroke damaged a VERY key part of his brain that controls all voluntary movement below his eyes leaving him with Locked-In syndrome.”
The rehab required for John Michael is very extensive and costly. University of Tampa Head Coach Rory Whipple has stated that 100% of the proceeds from this year’s annual Pre-Season Jamboree will go to assist John Michael Night.
“The University of Tamap Head Coach Rory Whipple, staff and players would like to donate 100% of this years Pre – Seasn Jamboree proceeds to support John Michael and the Knight familiy. We ask that all the Tampa area high school programs join us by entering their team in this year’s Jamboree so we can make a difference, in what ever little way, in support of JM’s fight.”
Teams can register via Chris Burdick at cburdick@ut.edu and players can click on this register icon to individually register.
Any players who do not hve a team area welcome to sign up as free agents and will be put on a team.
Tampa Pre-Season Jamboree
7v7 Boys High School Tournament
Proceeds to support John Michael Knight
Saturday Jan 9th 10am-4pm
University of Tampa