Update on John Michael – Long Road Ahead
Written by Lee Roggenburg on . Posted in Uncategorized.
John Michael Night, a senior at Trinity Prep school and a Mercer University commit, is recovering from a brain stem stroke. Family spokesman, Scott Levitt, has been providing updates via CaringBridge.org. We have learned that John Michael has been off the breathing tube since Friday and is able to breathe on his own, which is fantastic news.
The following quotes are taken from John Michael’s CaringBridge.org journal page as written by Scott Levitt. We encourage you to follow his recovery and assist the Night family when and if you can. John Michael is a great kid and a beloved member of the small Trinity Prep community.
“A stroke occurs when blood supply to the brain is interrupted. The way a stroke affects the brain depends on which part of the brain suffers damage, and to what degree. Feeling sad, sympathetic, victimized, and full of rage, does no one any good. Instead we are looking to take all that energy and instead channel it in a direction to help John Michael become the fighter we need him to be. Let’s not forget that JM has NOTHING wrong with his brain and as such, he has the ability to process what’s going on, hear what’s needed from him, and the mental strength to fight like hell.So the next time you’re at the gym and working hard or on that run, do that extra rep or take that extra step in JM’s honor knowing he’s fighting to improve his health just like you.”
Here at FloridaLacrosseNews.com count John Michael and his family amongst our friends and our hearts go out to his family. We ask you to continue to send prayers and positive thoughts out to he and his family.