Admiral Farragut 2020 Norm Pitt Also Commits to Hartford University!
Written by Lee Roggenburg on . Posted in Boys Recruiting, Featured Posts, Florida Lacrosse News, Recruiting.
Congratulations to Norm on his college choice and good luck in the future!
Norman Pitt
High School
Admiral Farragut
Graduation Year
College Choice
Hartford U
Club Affiliations
3D Florida
Why did you choose this college?
The coaches there did a great job of making me and my brother feel really needed in their lineup
What are your first memories of the sport?
Mini sticks at tournaments
What part of the process was most surprising to you about the recruiting process and what would you like to pass on to those who are going to face it in the future?
Hard to pick what camps to attend – so many
Who would you like to thank for helping you get here?
Mike Morris – Admiral Farragut
Mike Ryder / Riley Quinlan 3D lacrosse
All my Box Coaches in Ontario
My Family