The Boys Are Back In Town!
Written by Lee Roggenburg on . Posted in College, Featured Posts, Florida Lacrosse News, Lee’s Corner, PBA Men.
Some fun news for the long time team of Wells Dusenbury and your author!
After complex negotiations held in secret below the hills of the Greenbrier Hotel we are happy to announce that Palm Beach Atlantic has named Wells as their main play-by-play announcer for the home games of their initial Sunshine State Conference season and that sidekick Lee Roggenburg will be the color commentator (mostly shades of gray . . . LACROSSE shades people) for the Sailfish games!
Those of our readers that suspect I don’t really exist can now tune in, feel assured I am a real person, and see that my writing certainly exceeds my value as a runway model!
So, at 7:00pm TONIGHT, you can catch Wells and I at the following link:
Tune In!!!