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Tampa Lax Report’s Top 25 Boys Watch List for 2024 Released!


Tampa Lax Report was started in July of 2017. It is the collective work of James Broome and Pete Mastro. Its main purpose is to help shine a light on the vast amount of boys and girls lacrosse talent found primarily within FHSAA 1A and 2A districts 9-11 (we also cover 1A girls district 5).

We at FLN have always and will continue to urge our readers to check in with TLR, as well as their social media outlets, as they do a great job covering the sport!

25 Boys Players to Watch in 2024

The Tampa Lax Report staff started with our own 2023 All-Region Team, All County lists, All District lists, as well as statistical leaders and committed players to come up with what we think are the Top 25 Boys Players to Watch in 2024.

As the overall strength of players in this area continues to improve and more players commit to play in college, narrowing down players to just 25 is becoming extremely difficult. We could very easy produce a list of 50 players this year. This is all just to say that being left off of this list might have come down to a near toss-up and to not get worked up over it. If you feel like we’re sleeping on you, show us! Make our Player of the Week list. Show up in our Top 10 Lists for goals or saves. Make us regret not including you here. We love to see players making names for themselves and helping their teams earn wins over ‘better’ opponents.

This season is remarkable for the wide range of schools represented here. We are excited to see more great players leading so many different schools. Parity in the sport is always a great way to grow it.

Click HERE to see the list!