Preseason Jamboree in Vero Seeking Up to 4-5 More School Teams!
Written by Lee Roggenburg on . Posted in Across The LAX World, Featured Posts, Florida Lacrosse News, High School.
The Second Annual Pre-Season Lacrosse Jamboree at VERO BEACH, Powered by STICK DOCTOR
Note: There is a maximum of 12 teams that can be accomodated.
When – Saturday, Feb 17th, 2018 – 9:00am-3:00pm
Where – South County Park, Vero Beach, Florida
Why – this event is to provide coaches, refs, and players a tune up for the upcoming season. Last year we had a nice turnout and everyone seemed to find it beneficial. We want to get teams match ups with appropriate competition, and to see teams they do NOT see in their districts during season. We are looking for teams within a couple hour ride from Vero Beach. Our objective is to provide each team with the following type of opponent.
A Stretch – an opponent that would be a very tough opponent during regular season.
A Toss up – an opponent that would be a very close contest during the season.
A Chance – to look down your bench and give younger players an opportunity to show you how ready they are to compete.
Current Committed Schools:
St. Thomas Aquinas
Melbourne Central Catholic
Bartram Trail
Melbourne High
South Fork is tentative right now
Cost will be determined by # of teams participating. Refs will be paid and a Trainer will be on site. The concession stand will be open.
Interested teams should contact John Moriarty at 724-413-5299 or at