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Wow! Florida State Women’s Lacrosse Seeks Varsity Sport Status, Citing Title IX

via, by Lindsay Schnell, Aug 2nd, 2023, photo credit on picture

The Florida State women’s lacrosse team, a club sport, is petitioning to become a varsity sport and using Title IX to do it.


The Florida State women’s lacrosse team, a club sport at FSU, in consultation with California-based Title IX attorney Arthur Bryant, sent a demand letter Wednesday afternoon to the university’s administration, requesting that women’s lacrosse be made into an official varsity sport.

The lacrosse team’s request follows a May 2022 USA TODAY investigation into the failings of Title IX, 50 years after the federal law aimed at banning sexual discrimination in higher education was passed. In the letter, Bryant calls FSU’s refusal to upgrade lacrosse to a varsity sport “a flagrant violation of Title IX.”

Wrote Bryant: “I and my co-counsel have been retained by members of the women’s club lacrosse team at Florida State University (‘FSU’) because the school has refused to upgrade the team to varsity status in violation of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (‘Title IX’). I hope we can resolve this dispute without the need for litigation, but, if not, we will pursue a sex discrimination class action against FSU for violating Title IX by depriving its female students and potential students of equal opportunities to participate in varsity intercollegiate athletics.”

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