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#1 St. Thomas Aquinas Eases Past #6 Lake Highland 16-9

Written by Lee Roggenburg on . Posted in .
  St. Thomas showed why they still belong in contention for the state championship discussions with a methodical win over LHP. For those who were looking for the game live on the Lax Sports Network, there were internet connection issues before the broadcast, hence the inability to stream it live.  The game has been taped and will be shown Sunday night at 7:00pm and will likely be archived on the web site too. Your intrepid reporter made his LSN debut last night during the 3rd quarter and enjoyed it immensely! I will be writing up a bigger report later today, albeit somewhat incomplete due to not being able to capture the 3rd quarter info. For those in the area, Lynn is hosting Adelphi at 11:00am, Benjamin is hosting SA at 1:00pm on their middle school field and Boca Raton is hosting Columbus Catholic at 3:00pm. It’s a beautiful day!  Go catch a game!  Plenty of college games throughout the state and many high school games too!