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A Quirky Meet Up of Two SA Grads at the Faceoff Circle!

Written by Lee Roggenburg on . Posted in .
Thanks to Paul Davis for sending this in to us and to Wendy Stauffer for the photo!   A funny thing happened in New York on April 23rd as two former Saint Andrew’s grade faced off against each other! Last year Union and Bard College traveled to Boca to play their regular season conference game at SA. The rematch was held at Bard two weeks ago and the following happened:   Alex Newhouse and Dalton Davis Face Off 2016 #2   Yes, that’s Alex Newhouse, in his freshman year at Union, and an All American FOGO last year for the South Florida Chapter, facing off (and winning the draw) against fellow Scot Dalton Davis of Bard, who was using the long pole! Quite a long distance to travel just to share a faceoff dot . . .