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Florida’s Jim Gottlieb Named Israeli Lacrosse Man Of The Year!

Written by Lee Roggenburg on . Posted in .
via press release – photo via Israel Lacrosse web site   Gottlieb, Berkowitz Named Man/Woman Of The Year   Excerpt: ASHKELON, ISRAEL – The Israel Lacrosse Association has honored Jim Gottlieb and Nancy Berkowitz, naming them the winners of the Mort and Judi Beroza Award for Man and Woman of the Year in recognition of their outstanding individual contributions to the development of lacrosse in Israel in 2016. In a short time, Gottlieb has made a strong impact on Israel Lacrosse. After hosting visiting players and coaches from Israel during their stay in Florida for the Maccabi Games in the summer of 2015, Jim committed to getting more directly involved. He served as the General Manager and led all recruiting and operations for the Israel U-13 team that made their first appearance at the World Series of Youth Lacrosse, garnering significant attention for the Israel Lacrosse organization and mission. Gottlieb recruited a stellar staff for the tournament that applauded his efforts and commitment. Following his success with the U-13 team, Jim served as team manager for the Israel Men’s National Team which competed at the U-19 FIL World Championships in Vancouver, during which he was essential in navigating logistical challenges for the team. In addition to these efforts, he again opened his home to young Israelis who traveled to the United States as part of the Daniel and Wendy Kraft Lacrosse Scholarship program. He also made his second trip to Israel this year as a chaperone on the Israel Lacrosse Winter Service Trip. His myriad selfless contributions to the game of lacrosse and State of Israel earned him this accolade. “He is truly dedicated to growing Israel Lacrosse and loves being a part of the entire process,” said Casey Cittadino, Head Coach of the U-13 squad. “Jim was truly instrumental in planning out all of the details for our first appearance at the World Series of Youth Lacrosse.”   Read the rest of the article HERE