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IMG 2020 M/FO Drew Snyder Commits to Syracuse!

Written by Lee Roggenburg on . Posted in .
  Congratulations to Drew on his college choice and good luck to him in the future! Club Affiliation:  Echelon Rise     We received these comments on Drew: “Drew Snyder is a 5′ 8” thick, strong left-handed attackman, He also shines at midfield using his 180 lbs. to get physical for great turnovers and strong defense. He is a Florida native and attends IMG Academy. Has played for the Tampa Bay Fire Elite travel team and Fire indoor box league since he was nine years old. Drew’s sports career began at the age of four with indoor soccer. He announced at the age of eight that he was “retiring” from soccer to play lacrosse. Drew was a starter in football and basketball in middle school. Drew intends to major in Engineering. Will play for Echelon Rise club team summer 2017. Huge thanks to IMG Coaches Bill Shatz, Craig Lepiane, Mark Burnam, and Jason Basso with a special shout out to the late Bill Bjorness – he always believed in me.”