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Kevin Hoppey, Dr. Phillips Defenseman, Set to Play for FSU in 2014

Written by Lee Roggenburg on . Posted in .
Kevin Hoppey is regarded by most coaches in Central Florida as one of the top five d-poles in the 2013 class.  He is yet another one of the state’s top players who has chosen to stay in Florida and play SELC lacrosse at FSU. Hoppey played club lacrosse for the West Orange Gorillas and LCO. “Thank you to Coach Robinson, Hogan, Provencher, Kesler and B for all their help and support throughout my high school career.” Kevin graduated with a GPA  of 4.2 and is going to major  in Psychology. If you have committed to play in college please fill out the “recruit info” form and submit it so we can share the great news on