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Lake Highland Prep Players taking lacrosse to the Dominican Republic

Written by Lee Roggenburg on . Posted in .
An open letter from Austin Tamayo and Cody Prizer – LHP Class of 2012. Davis Anderson (LHP Class 2012) wants to introduce lacrosse to the Dominican Republic!  He has organized a mission trip for the senior LHP lax players.  The trip will occur over the Fall Break (October 7-10th) and preparations are well underway. Included on the trip with our seniors will be representatives from Warrior, Inside Lacrosse Magazine, Danny and Kim Anderson (LHP parents) and possibly some professional lacrosse players.  Austin Tamayo and Cody Prizer are already visiting local Orlando schools to conduct a “Stick Drive”.  This drive is intended to collect used sticks that can be taken to the Dominicans and will supplement the equipment being donated by Warrior and STX and hopefully other interested suppliers of LAX equipment. We are reaching out to the Central Florida lacrosse community for donations of new/used complete sticks (head and shaft – NO long poles please) to this very worthy cause.  We ask that the sticks please be in “ready-to-use” condition.  Please feel free to contact either one of us (Austin 407-247-6832 ; Cody 407-913-2612 with any questions or to make arrangements to pickup your stick(s). Thank you, in advance for your consideration of this worthwhile endeavor. Austin Tamayo & Cody Prizer LHP Class of 2012