OTS – Israel Will Host 2018 Men’s World Championships After England Withdraws
Written by Lee Roggenburg on . Posted in Uncategorized.
via press release
It is with regret that English Lacrosse (EL) announce our official withdrawal from hosting the 2018 FIL Men’s Lacrosse World Championships.
This has been a very difficult decision for the sport to make and has been taken with the utmost consideration for the successful hosting of the event and the financial sustainability of lacrosse in England. The EL board after great consideration and consultation, found the event, in the form EL would wish to deliver, placed the governing body and sport at unacceptable financial risk.
The Federation of International Lacrosse have subsequently announced that Israel has been agreed as the new host nation for the 2018 event. English Lacrosse have offered any support we can give to both the FIL and the new host.
All related enquiries should be directed to m.coups@englishlacrosse.co.uk
Author’s note – was pretty surprised to see this today. But given how much Israel has made inroads in the lacrosse world in such a short period of time this should be a wonderful way for them to spread the popularity of the sport in their country. Israel finished 6th in the 2016 championship in their first effort. The location should also encourage new national team entries from African squads and other national teams that had a hard time raising the funds to make the trip to America the last time. A team from Uganda or similar will be able to travel to Israel without necessarily paying a high airline cost. I look forward to how this change will be received in the lacrosse world.