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Oxbridge Fights Off St. Ed’s to win 13-8

Written by Lee Roggenburg on . Posted in .
The Thunderwolves fought off a gutsy performance from the Pirates of Saint Edward’s (6-5 at halftime), and hit the back of the net 7 times in the second half to the Pirates 3, to push Saint Edward’s to 1-2 on the 2016 season, while Oxbridge moves to 2-1. Saint Edward’s scoring: Ritter Marchant 3g,0a; Josh Hurwitz 0g,3a; Gage Bartosch 2g,0a; KC Barry 1g,0a; Gage Bartosch 2g,0a; Barrett Rhymes 1g,0a; Danny Walsh 1 g,0a. Goalie Saves: Kevin Murphy 11 saves GB’s: 22; Face-off W/L: Danny Walsh 8/7; Ritter Marchant 1/5; Finn Murphy 1/2 Oxbridge Academy scoring: Bobby Killian 5g,0a; Jack Killian 2g,1a; Zach Ranta 2g,0a; Robert Bayless 1g,0a; Austin Roca 1g,0a; Benno Janssen 1g,0a; Connor Davies 0g,3a; Tyler Jerd 0g,1a Goalie Saves: Ethan Randell 5 saves; Christian Tomei 1 save. GB’s:17 Face-off W/L: Austin Murphy 14/9; Terrell Seabrooks 1/0