South Fork Upsets #8 Pope John Paul II 10-9
Written by Lee Roggenburg on . Posted in Uncategorized.
Recap provided by SF:
Sometimes the toughest thing in sports for any team is coming back from an emotional win to play a few nights later. PJP found that out the hard way as they were upset at home by South Fork on Monday.
Max Moran scored the 1st and last goals for South Forks win over Pope John Paul, with three more in between. Trevor Boice had and assist to one of his goals and added four of his own goals, with one goal from Chris Freehauf. Andrew Dodds South Forks goalie had an great game.
Pope John Paul II looks to bounce back next week after spring break by hosting Grayslake North of Illinois while South Fork travels to Martin County for a key district match-up tonight.