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Trinity Prep LSM scores 30th goal of the season

Written by Lee Roggenburg on . Posted in .
Long Stick Middie, Ryan Hinkley, scored his 30th goal of the season against BerkeleyPrep on Friday night. Hinkley’s 3 goal performance put an exclamation point on a very offensively productive season for the junior who has long been one of the finest stick handling defensive specialists in the state.  Hinkley also added an assist and combined with sophomore Luke Macchia (4 goals, 2 assists), Junior Dylan Davis (3 goals, 1 assist), sophomore Christian Funk (3 goals, 1 assist), junior defensive stand-out Jon Wiese (1 goal), and freshman Nick Cardamone (1 goal) to run away from BerkeleyPrep 15-1.  Hinkley added 8 ground balls and 5 take- aways to his impressive performance.  Freshman Nick Cardamone and junior Dylan Davis teamed up to go 100% at the face-off X, winning every attempt for the Saints.  Junior Jon Wiese stepped up once again to lead the defensive unit for the Saints with 7 ground balls and 6 take-aways.  Despite struggling in their second season in FHSAA competition the Buccaneers of BerkeleyPrep played hard and clean.  Jake Chervitz scored the lone Berkeley Prep goal.  The Saints will play Winter Park in the first round of the District 10 play-offs and Berkley Prep will face Cardinal Mooney in the District 8 semi-final game this week.