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STA 2020 Ellie Riegner Commits to Rutgers!

Written by Lee Roggenburg on . Posted in , , , .
  (Republished as noted from before) Congratulations to Ellie on her college choice and good luck in the future!   Name Ellie Riegner High School Saint Thomas Aquinas Graduation Year 2020 College Choice Rutgers University Club Affiliations Florida Select     Why did you choose this college? Rutgers University was my number 1 because I want to attend a college similar to my high school- sports minded- good academics- rich in history and tradition- and most important- a women’s lacrosse program with a long-standing, highly regarded head coach who is ready to take the team to the next level. Also, the location of the school is perfect for me because it is close to my family and an easy flight for my parents. What are your first memories of the sport? My earliest memories of lacrosse are being on the fields with my dad beginning when I was 5. He coached high school boys for a number of years, so I grew up watching his practices and standing on the sidelines with him during games. I think that gave me a unique sense of the game which now I realize was so beneficial to me. I started playing rec lacrosse in Parkland around third grade when it was fairly new for girls. The game has come a long way, and I am so happy to have been a part of its growth. What part of the process was most surprising to you about the recruiting process and what would you like to pass on to those who are going to face it in the future? I think that the most surprising part of the process was that although schools started watching our games at tournaments and showcases a few years ago, interest from college coaches in my team (Florida Select) didn’t really come until the fall and summer seasons leading up to September 1. For girls who are in the process or who will be starting it soon, I would say to start building relationships with colleges you are interested in and to cast your net wide, so when the time comes, you have options and can pick the right school for you. The most important thing I would pass on to girls in this process is to do the little things right as a player, as a person, and as a student, and the right people will come along and notice that. Who would you like to thank for helping you get here? First, I would like to thank God for giving me endless opportunities every day. I would also like to thank my coaches. The ones from the early days at rec for promoting the girls game in South Florida to my current travel and high school coaches for giving me a platform to play in front of the right people at the right times. Without my travel program and coaches who have worked so hard to develop me as a player and a person, my dream of playing D1 lacrosse at my #1 college would not have been possible. My teammates for making me better and being a FAMILY; we are all so supportive of each other which has 100% contributed to our successes. And lastly, I want to thank my family for ALL their relentless support through the years. My dad for constantly taking me to practice and workouts and pushing me to be better. My mom for making sure I was surrounded by the right people and given every opportunity to achieve my goals. My sister for going to every tournament that she wasn’t playing in herself and cheering me on. My family has sacrificed a lot for me, and I am so lucky to have them in my life. I am blessed and forever grateful.