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ILPreps Podcast:’s Lee Roggenburg

Written by Lee Roggenburg on . Posted in , .
  I was privileged to be interviewed for this week’s Inside Lacrosse Preps podcast and here is the link to it. Dan Aburn and Geoff Shannon provide a mostly weekly (sometimes there will be more when circumstances warrant) rundown of the top High School games, players and news around the country.  Since we are always the first state to start the season, and therefore the first state to start the playoffs, they asked me to come on to discuss the season and the playoff possibilities. My segment starts around the 14:18 mark but I think you should listen to the entire podcast (about 27 minutes) so you can get a look at the early play in other states and some of the players you will be seeing on your TV in future years!  Their photo was taken by Larry Palumbo.   Here is the link to the PODCAST