Pac-12 Commissioner Larry Scott: ‘I’m Very Bullish on the Sport of Lacrosse’
Written by Lee Roggenburg on . Posted in Across The LAX World, Featured Posts, Florida Lacrosse News.
Author’s Note: This interview appeared on Monday on, as an interview by IL Publisher Terry Foy. I found it fascinating reading about how another Power Conference Commissioner spoke so favorably for the long term prospects for the sport in their conference. Interestingly enough, the issue of Title IX was considered secondary to endowing the sport financially at the member schools. That is a step in the right direction. Another point is that the Commissioner himself has two kids playing lacrosse right now . . . Congrats to Terry Foy for an excellent interview. The photo is from the Pac 12 and IL.Com.Excerpt: On July 21, Pac-12 Commissioner Larry Scott spoke to IL’s Terry Foy about Utah’s addition of men’s lacrosse for the September issue cover story. He began by sharing his general reaction: “I was absolutely delighted that Utah was able to add a men’s lacrosse program,” Scott said. “They went through a very deliberate process, a lot of examination, but it was terrific to be able to add a sport. From a macro perspective, you’re adding opportunities for student-athletes and helping to develop a sport in this part of the country, as well.” Read the rest HERE