USA Today Announces Their Watch List for Girls High School Player of the Year – 7 of the 50 are from Florida!
FLN: I’ll just be thankful instead of pointing out those who didn’t make it, so don’t get on my case about the list!!! LOL. Also, I should note that according to how I interpret the article, this is not final and can be adjusted. Take this as a starting point, not the last list!
The USA TODAY High School Sports Awards is pleased to announce its watch list for 2024 USA TODAY HSSA Girls Lacrosse Player of the Year!
This initial list includes 50 current student-athletes who meet the nomination criteria for this year’s national Girls Lacrosse Player of the Year award. These athletes were either nominees in last year’s national show, or athletes who were seriously considered based on season-wide performance, state championships and any other state, regional and/or national recognition.
Here’s a little more about this year’s program and how it works:
The official 2024 USA TODAY HSSA Girls Lacrosse Team will be announced in August. All 25 final team members will be honored as nominees for national Girls Lacrosse Player of the Year. Visit the event website for updates leading up to this summer’s awards!
Note: The purpose of this watch list is to track eligible nominees. Athletes could be removed from this list if they no longer play for their high school team (either by choice or injury), or if it was found that their high school does not participate in a state-sanctioned championship tournament for this sport.
Floridians already here:
Ryann Frechette – Bartram Trail
Sienna Casella – St Stephen’s
Kali Cleary – Gulf Coast
Zoe Horwitz – AH-Plantation
Izzy Hughes – Lake Highland
Taylor McGovern – Stoneman Douglas
Susan Lowther – Riverview-Sarasota
Read the rest HERE