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Webber Lacrosse to Host Annual Swab for Saxton Day

Written by Lee Roggenburg on . Posted in , , , .

via Webber press release/website

Babson Park, FL – The Webber International Men’s Lacrosse Team is hosting its annual Swab for Saxton Gift of Life Campaign on Saturday, April 13th. The campaign will take place before the Warriors host the Keiser Seahawks at 1 PM. 

Saxton Dunlap was committed to the Warriors to play lacrosse, but was diagnosed with T-cell lymphoma, and was searching for a donor. Although a donor was not found, Swab for Saxton was created by Saxton’s parents, Kristie and Alan Dunlap, and Head Coach Chris Burdick, in an effort to expand the donor registry in order to have a more diverse database. This diverse database can provide coverage to more people so that more lives can be saved in Saxton’s honor. 

The Warriors will be hosting a Marrow Registration promotion and encourage all those who attend, between the ages of 18-35, to sign up to be swabbed. If you cannot sign up to swab and donate, other options include sponsoring a swab kit, running your own campaign, and spreading the word on social media. Saxton’s memory will live on with Webber Lacrosse and any and all support is appreciated. 

For more information regarding the Swab for Saxton Gift of Life Campaign, head to