Guardian National Championship Offers Recruiting Showcase For Goalies
Written by Lee Roggenburg on . Posted in Uncategorized.
Above – Oak Hall’s Caroline Caputo was an age division winner at the 2014 Guardian National Championship
GUARDIAN National Goalie Championship, July 27-30, Spooky Nook, Manheim (Lancaster) PA.
This event is a combine-like recruiting showcase celebrating the best goalies nation-wide in a National Championship and will measure them based on the unique and patented Goaltender rating and classification system (GRC) for recruiting opportunities. College Coaches from across the country have requested access to this one-of-a-kind event and the associated results.
Oak Hall’s Caroline Caputo won her age group last year and has since committed to Villanova. You can read more about the LaxManiax star’s experience in her interview here.
Goalies can visit http://www.guardiansports.net/?page_id=491 for more registration information.