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Matanzas Senior Attack, Andrew McIntyre, Commits to Salisbury

Written by Lee Roggenburg on . Posted in .
Senior attackman for Matanzas, Andrew McIntyre, has committed to Salisbury.  Andrew plays club ball for GOATS, LCO, and Team Florida. “I would like to thank all of my Matanzas coaches. This has been a long journey filled with its fair share of ups and downs. Thank you mom and dad for being there when I need you the most. A very special thanks to my mentor Dr Curt Scalit. Thank you to the awesome Mrs. Helen. Scoring a 25 on my ACT holding a 3.2 gpa hasn’t been easy but maximum effort equals maximum reward. Thank you Coach Berkman for the opportunity to be a Gull! Love to my boys my family on and off the field lets get it!”