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Tampa Bay Box League Prepares for Fifth Season – Spots Still Available

Written by Lee Roggenburg on . Posted in .
The Tampa Bay Box Lacrosse League will be entering its fifth season .  There are still a few remaining spots for youth players at U9, U11, U13, and high school players.  The  first training session begins August 13th  and culminates with League game play until October 29th.   Players get taught the fundamentals and intricacies of the box game by former professional player Brian Lemon and his staff and play pro style box lacrosse games with 4 by 4 nets, box goalies, shot clocks and trained box lacrosse officials. Tampa Bay Box 2 “The field game is evolving with a greater emphasis on training in the box utilized by a number of NCAA college coaches, which provides improved skill sets to your player such as shooting accuracy, offensive playmaking; defensive, transition and offensive reaction time, stick handling, and greater reps and reaction time for goalies.  More and more NCAA coaches  are scouting box leagues in Canada.”  according to Lemon. For further information go to or contact Brian Lemon at 813 689-2070.