You Asked For It! The 2016 NHFS Girls Rules and Interpretations!
Written by Lee Roggenburg on . Posted in Uncategorized.
The response to our editorial on fans criticizing referees hit a nerve with many of you, as the readership was (and still is) substantial and there was a large number of ‘sharing’ and ‘FB liking’ resulting from it.
A number of you want us to also provide the same coverage for the Girls’ game and so we hunted down the 2016 NFHS Girls video that was released via US Lacrosse and are posting it here for you.
US Lacrosse has given us permission to utilize their database for this effort and in the coming weeks we are going to provide a number of informational videos that will enhance your enjoyment and understanding of the two games.
They will run the gamut from simple information, like field dimensions, equipment and signals, to videos that ask you to make the call before a licensed referee responds with how they would make the call.
We hope you enjoy and get a lot out of this exercise!
And before next season starts we will re-air the series to prepare you for the 2017 season.
cover photo via US Lacrosse