Season Preview Questionnaires Are Being Sent Out!
Written by Lee Roggenburg on . Posted in Featured Posts, Florida Lacrosse News, High School, Lee’s Corner.
Coaches, Parents, Players and Administrators . . . lend me your ears . . .
Charlton Heston, Marlon Brando, Raymond Burr and Richard Burton all uttered those last 4 words . . . I’m sure about 99.9% of the students don’t know what I am referring to . . . another generation gap I guess
To make it brief, those are the words of Mark Antony as he gives the funeral speech for Caesar and all four of those famous actors played Antony in a movie.
Well, anyhow, it’s that time of year as the season starts to creep upon us . . . practice officially starts 6 days from now and we want to do a FAR better job of preseason previews this year but that will require that Coaches respond to the request to fill out the questionnaire!
So parents and students, put a little pressure on this year!
Last year we only received about 50 back, out of 200, and that won’t cut it for us.
I’ve targeted a coach in each district to distribute and oversee the preview questionnaire and many have already sent it out, so if you don’t see it yet, check your Spam folder.
For some districts I need some help, like the one that hosts Apopka through West Orange alphabetically. East Lake to Wiregrass Ranch.
Let your Coach know you would like to participate this year!
I’m planning on far more use of video this year and would love to do this online instead of hoping to put together a written version with 2 of 6 schools responding!
Coaches, if you don’t receive the questionnaire, contact me directly at!